Other Tours

CobreOther Tours

The following tours are not group trips but personalized or private ones, and they are organized by themes, and closeness of places to visit.

1. Pátzcuaro special / Especial

Visiting three places to choose within the shorelake or near it.
Escoja tres lugares a visitar en la zona del lago o cerca.

5- Augustinian Monasteries / Monasterios Agustinos Monasterios-fortaleza del siglo XVI

Cuitzeo (Ex convento de Santa María Magdalena)
Yuriria (Ex convento de San Pablo)

1A- Landscapes / Paisajes Visiting:

Pátzcuaro (Plaza Don Vasco, Basílica, Museo de Arte Popular, Casa de los Once Patios, muelle / pier)

Lake Zirahuén (muelle / pier)
Santa Clara del Cobre (Talleres –workshops- y Museo)

6- Geography and East Archaeology / Geografía y Arqueología de Oriente

Parque Nacional Cerro de Garnica, Mirador de Mil Cumbres,

Grutas de Tziranda, San Felipe Los Alzati (Zona arqueológica y pueblo)

2 Magic Hands One / Manos Mágicas I

Visiting real artisans wokshops / talleres artesanales en
Capula (alfarería tradicional / clay work)
Santa Fe de la Laguna (visita cultural)
Tzintzuntzan ( cantera -pinkstone- y madera talladas / wood carvings)
Tócuaro (talla de máscaras / masks)
Pátzcuaro (Telar colonial, maque, laca y caña de maiz) (colonial loom, maque, lacquer & corn cane stock)

7- Uruapan

Parque Nacional “Eduardo Ruiz”, Cascada de la Tzaráracua,

Guatápera, Mercado de Antojitos

3- Magic Hands two / Manos mágicas II

Cuanajo (Muebles de madera tallada y telar de cintura)
Tupátaro (Visita cultural a una joya colonial)
Pátzcuaro (Telar colonial, maque, laca y caña de maiz)
Santa Clara del Cobre (cobre martillado / hammered copper)

8- Volcán Paricutín A.

San Juan Parangaricutiro (Ruinas entre lava petrificada)

Angahuan (mountaneer purépecha viilage)

4- Archaeology / Arqueología

Yácatas de Tzintzuntzan (Ciudad capital del señorío)
Ihuatzio (grandiosa ciudad-fortaleza purépecha)
Pátzcuaro (Museo de Arte popular)

9- Volcán Paricutín B (Alto del / Top of the crater)

Los Azufres:
Laguna Larga, Laguna Azul, Cráter de Los Azufres, Balnearios, Licores de Jeráhuaro

ENGLISH: For private tours no IVA tax included — None includes lunch, fees or other expenses of the places to visit — All lasting 8 hours and finishing 6 pm at most, in exemption of tours 6 and 8 — Overtime: $100 pesos per hour — Transfers are via highway and include toll roads — Traveler insurance included — Valid up to octuber 20th, 2009
ESPAÑOL: Para tours privados: No incluye IVA , comida, entradas o cualquier otro gasto — Duración de 8 horas y terminando a las 6 pm, excepto tours 6 y 8 — Hora adicional: $100.00 — Los transfers incluyen casetas y son vía autopista — Válido hasta octubre 20 de 2009

A territory with such richness in historic places and great cultural expressions deserves more time than any who visits it can imagine. We´ve tried to optimize the best we could this variety of attractives and have suggested this menu of tours. We point there where you have some walking, otherwise it´s an easy one.
A. Landscapes. Tour that emphasizes, besides the towns, the scene points along the road. A good way to enjoy a beloved geography for Mexicans.

B – C. Magic Hands I and II. Tours designed to visit artisans workshops and observe the process of making wonders with their hands.

D. Michoacanian Archaeology. In the last decades the prehispanic Purepechan or Tarascan society, worst enemy of Aztecs, has been revalued by historians and scientists. Those warriors had a very different kind of architecture, monumental on its own way. To discover such greatness is our main objective.

E. Augustinian Monasteries. There´s no doubt than the most monumental XVI century architecture in Western Mexico, is located in this two little towns: Cuitzeo and Yuriria, both of a strong Tarascan influence. The two stone giants are transformed into museums where past seems never past.

F. Geography and East Archaeology. After crossing one of the low-lands we call Bajíos, like in tour A, we´ll stop in scene points along a road that runs among forests of pine and oak trees, with one of the most amazing views from The One Thousand Mountain Peaks mirador, to reach later one of our enigmatic archaeological areas, where Otomi ethnical group still lives. Here´s where you have a light walking.

G. Uruapan. This is an encounter with nature. In no other place in western Mexico, Natura has created a National Park like this one, where ingenuity of man has moulded a delightful walking area by the rivershore of waters that spring right there. Visiting the Tzaráracua waterfalls means some walking down the canyon, but if you prefer to ride a horse they are just like in the butterflies sanctuaries ( see number 1).

H. Paricutín Volcano. Another encounter, but with strenght of nature. This young volcano, surrounded by dozens of volcanic cones, covered two towns with its lava. Walking 40 minutes down the way to the remains of old San Juan and its church partly covered by the lava is a must. We do it from one of the most authentical indigenous towns in this area of high mountains called the Purepechan Plateau. The way back is a litlle bit more difficult, but you can mount a horse, aswell.